Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Soros remarks depress euro ?

The euro fell sharply after investor George Soros was quoted as saying that the shared currency may not survive unless the European Union presses for an international agreement on dealing with soured assets."One would need a type of agreement on lost capital, so that the burden is shared, and in which every country is part of, otherwise more countries will suffer," Mr. Soros said in an interview with Austria's Der Standard newspaper. "The EU should do this. If they don't do this then the euro may not survive the crisis."Reports that Jean-Claude Trichet, the president of the European Central Bank, said policy makers could lower the euro zone's benchmark interest rate, added to the pressure on the shared currency.The yen and the dollar gained as losses in stocks and gloomy reports about U.S. employment and orders for durable goods made investors more hesitant to take on risk. The yen and the dollar have tended to rise in recent months when the economic picture appeared to deteriorate, losing ground when upbeat news prompted investors to seek higher-yielding investments denominated in other currencies

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